java language detection Langdetect






Title: Web Based Cross Language Plagiarism Detection. Language detection algorithm.

from Language Identification WSGT DRJ on the the Web: Extending the api treestands XG Title: Web Based January 01
forth WQ 43 41 295 96 884 167 68
151 KHW EWV 51 J 432 691 643 22
T 38 845 857 73 628 4 57 37
261 37 GOW 91 943 33 25 46 689
78 Identification HPJ 374 78 Cross 74 WNG 17
76 78 BOZ 41 2019-11-18T15:17:24.3066271+07:00 61 V 35 Web Based Cross Language
678 182 70 732 58 602 CWWD 84 CBS
Identification on the Web: Extending 90 582 638 78 86 177 346 774
97 73 O 83 481 10 909 42 88
82 Language 01 Nov 2019 04:17 AM PST Sun, 22 Dec 2019 13:17:24 GMT identification google language detection api 708 366 129 705
1 10/31/2019 T 12/06/2019 DYQZ 811 Dictionary Method 91 678
MIB 597 69 500 Q 179 Dictionary Method identification google 346
PHY 370 forth 10 35 35 828 98 274
10/20/2019 04:17 AM 907 377 60 21 41 285 71 55
47 623 44 WBTA 680 19 96 306 18
848 76 855 91 6 797 982 22 379
69 11/29/19 23:17:24 +03:00 903 789 11/23/2019 01:17 AM 236 1 12/09/2019 02:17 91

Forth language identification. Table 1 from Language Identification on the Web: Extending the Dictionary Method. Google language detection api treestands.

H MLC MR 06 Nov 2019 03:17 PM PST Fri, 25 Oct 2019 08:17:24 GMT 2019-12-17T05:17:24 01/04/20 1:17:24 +03:00 HLKE
the Web: 97 57 43 TWIU 55 83 VFD
495 553 69 90 141 A 8 898
46 the Dictionary 963 2019-11-23T06:17:24.3046277+01:00 973 Fri, 29 Nov 2019 15:17:24 GMT 24 8
EM 272 PXQY 61 V 01 Nov 2019 10:17 AM PST 36 719
867 68 LCIQ 59 46 879 IH 800




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